Consumers are heading back to the doctor’s office. Is your brand there?
If you were doubting the effectiveness of marketing to healthcare professionals right now, think again. Everywhere we look, we see that more people are visiting their doctors in person, and that is a good sign for heathy food brands.
As we discussed in a July blog, the Texas Medical Association ranked doctor’s offices as “low to moderate” places of risk—they are safe places to be right now. Across the country, large health systems, such as Duke University Health Systems in North Carolina, are encouraging people to not to avoid chronic and preventative care visits. In fact, one third of health professionals are seeing 80% of their patients in person—we see that as a great opportunity to get your message in front of the most trusted source for nutrition information.
CNN spoke with nine doctors and health experts about when and whether people should keep visiting their healthcare providers, what types of appointments can be done by telehealth, and which procedures and treatments should or should not be postponed. The overarching message is that, outside of COVID-19, people still have real health concerns, and the medical world is ready to safely handle their needs.
Dr. Susan Bailey encourages, “You do not want to end up in a position where you or a loved one is in the hospital because you opted against routine care.” Similarly, Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez has “grown increasingly confident in the safety of doctors’ offices. I have personally continued to seek medical care and have advised my friends and family to do the same, always calling ahead and planning for safety.”
That bears out what the surveys we conducted with our PulseConnect members, all of whom are credentialed health professionals who regularly counsel on nutrition, including RDs, MDs, NPs, RNs, and other allied health professionals. In addition to the third of professionals seeing patients in person 80% of the time, they overwhelming majority of health professionals are in their offices and counseling patients and clients.
These health and wellness professionals also confirmed that their patients ask them about how to stay healthy. One respondent answered that her office needs “Handouts on healthful eating: diabetes, heart health, high protein and weight management. These are the main 4 areas of discussion with patients.” Here are key things for you to know:
· More than half the respondents are fielding more questions about eating a healthy, balanced diet.
· When we sent both printed and digital material, 84% said they preferred the printed material to share with their patients.
· The majority want information they can share with their patients—while coupons and/or product samples are always valued.
This is not the time to taper your marketing to healthcare professionals. Rather, view this as a time for opportunity. As you revise your current marketing plan or are looking toward 2021, do not exclude health and wellness professionals as a target audience. They are still seeing patients who are seeking trustworthy advice on ways to stay healthy. Patients are still seeing their doctors. You should be there too.