We All Need This: Positive Trends and Great Visuals

We know from experience how difficult it can be to translate science-based facts into easy-to-understand nutritional information for everyday use. That’s why this report from Information is Beautiful—and the way the data is displayed—made us smile and want to share it with you.

You’ll enjoy this report on “solid scientific evidence for extra health benefits of certain foods” because it is fascinating in itself.  But beyond that, we encourage you to visit other pages on the site that chart “positive stats, unseen trends and creative developments” that you might not see in your daily news feed.

Imagine that! Positive trends in areas that matter to nearly everyone’s quality of life.  And they do not just make this stuff up—they use vetted research to create these amazing data visualizations.

We thought you might enjoy the site as much as we do, even if it’s not related to your job, or your personal goals, or your mood today. 

Warning: it really pulls you in, so you might have to bookmark it for later. 

It really is beautiful information.  


Tracking Trends: Should You Bother?


Health professional marketing has evolved—has your brand kept up?