What We’re Reading, June 2021


We have spent quite a bit of time talking with clients recently about how to reach the right health professional with the right message in a post-pandemic landscape. The goal? Ensuring consumers have the information, guidance, and recommendations they need to meet their health & wellness goals.

Health coaches deserve more attention from healthy brands reaching consumers.

Health coaches deserve more attention from healthy brands reaching consumers.

Our first featured article below focuses on one group of health professionals, health coaches, that deserve increased attention from healthy brands as they play a larger and larger role in consumer wellness. Health and wellness coaches are here, they're active, and they are a great target for brand engagement.

A food category that is definitely receiving increased attention is plant-based ingredients. This month, we share some fascinating research from The Hartman Group that is relevant for all healthy brands—whether you are playing in the plant-based space or not.

We also feature articles about nutrition security (as opposed to food security) and the importance of getting away from your computer and getting outside.

We hope you find the articles and information linked below helpful. If you are planning for the back half of the year, re-evaluating your healthy brand strategy, or just looking for an insight or two on how the marketplace is evolving, let us know.

Our Best,
The Pulse Team

What We’re Reading

The Benefits of Health Coaches

By Jane E. Brody in the New York Times

Health-conscious people and those who want to live a pain-free life are finding the benefits of—and are trusting advice from—their health coaches. As one woman in Seattle declares, “My health coach is deeply committed to my well-being.”

Scrutiny of Plant-Based Ingredients and Labeling an Ongoing Consumer Priority

From the Hartman Group

The Hartman Group’s research finds that consumers who are eating more healthily are doing so for their own personal reasons, and those reasons may vary from what marketing professionals may have predicted, even during the pandemic.   

It’s not just about food, but nutritious food

By Cara Rosenbloom at the Washington Post

We need to get rid of the “artificial dichotomy” dividing the two, according a professor at Tufts University.

How Much Time Should I Spend Outside?

By Michael Easter, in Men’s Health

Finally, let’s step away from work for a minute—or 20 minutes. While we hope you take more than the minimal amount of time outdoors that this article suggests, we also hope you get the gist: turn off, unplug, get outside. 

About Us

Pulse Health & Wellness provides essential marketing for healthy brands through our proprietary PulseConnect network. Tens of thousands of practicing health professionals—the most trusted source of nutritional information—have opted in to PulseConnect to receive education materials, counseling tools, resources, samples, and coupons from healthy brands.

Using this model for more than 20 years, Pulse has created strategic ways to earn branded recommendations that drive trial for clients like Kellogg’s, Barilla, Sunkist, Stonyfield, a2 milk, and Egg Nutrition Center.  For more information, visit our website.


What Did The Pandemic Reveal?


Keyword Nutrition Revisted