What We’re Reading, October 2021

At Pulse, we take time to read the articles that affect our clients’ buiness. Here are a few we recommend for you.

Stop Marketing Products as “Guilt-Free”

By Monica Watrous, Food Business News

An interesting take on marketing terms. We encourage anyone marketing a healthy food brand to think about the unintended consequences of the terms they use to describe their foods. When telling consumers about nutritional benefits, it’s more important to tell what's in a food that than what is not.

Natural and Organizc Sales Approaching $300 Billion

By Monica Watrous, Food Business News

Natural and organic food sales will likely surpass $300 billion in 2023—in large part due to consumers demanding healthier food options and those that enhance their immune health.

Picky Eaters? Study Looks at Behaviors That Influence Fussy Eating

By Mary Ellen Shoup in Food Navigator

We often hear from pediatricians just how challenging parents are finding it to ensure their children are eating a healthy diet. That's why we encourage brand with a healthy food for kids to add value to the conversations pediatric professionals have with parents. They need all the help they can get.

Consumers Commonly Confused by Probiotics, Survey Finds

By Danielle Masterson in Food Navigator

Our mantra for more than 20 years has been that health-conscious consumers want more information, not less. As the probiotic boom settles in for the long haul, brands must continue to educate consumers about probiotics.

Watch this space for more perspectives on CPG heathly brand marketing.


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