Pulse Perspectives
Keep up with trends, analyses, and forecasts in the world of marketing healthy brands.
Are Health Professionals Recommending Frozen Entrées as a Healthy Option?
The results from our latest survey about frozen foods show which brands health professionals are recommending most often when they suggest frozen entrees for healthy weight management to their clients face-to-face each week.
Retailers are Making the Investment in Health & Wellness
Consumers care about health and wellness, but do retailers? Actually, they do. According to this SmartBrief article, a recent FMI report found that food retailers are investing in health and wellness more than ever before.
Are Health Professionals Recommending Frozen Food as a Healthy Option?
Are health professionals talking about frozen foods? If so, what are they saying? We were curious, so we reached out to nearly 200 health professionals in our PulseConnect network to see if they were recommending frozen foods and to learn more about the conversations happening around this category. You may be surprised to learn which heart-healthy frozen food is recommended every week.
The Gluten-Free Trend is Right on Trend (and on Its Way Out)
Though a gluten-free diet was initially thought to reduce the risk of heart disease and help with digestive issues, registered dietitians say that if it is not medically necessary, eliminating gluten may be doing consumers more harm than good. And that's why this trend is, like all others before it, on its way out.
PulseConnect Member Interview: Cheryl Cohen
The face-to-face conversation that health professionals have with their clients is the single most important marketing opportunity for a healthy brand to be a part of. The implicit trust of the client-consumer for the professional-influencer is unmatched, as is the influencer's genuine desire to help the consumer. We spoke with an influencer and PulseConnect member Cheryl Cohen about her work and the types of conversations she has with her patients
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