Influencing shoppers before they go shopping

This month has marked a fresh start in many ways. 

In fact, now that most people have mastered social distancing and wearing masks—and are now receiving their second vaccinations!—we are seeing more people out in public, including at grocery stores. 

Still, it is different than before the pandemic.  People are not just swinging by the store to pick up one or two items on their way home from work.  Rather, they are planning ahead for their weekly or bi-weekly shopping sessions. 

That presents two challenges to CPG marketing professionals:

1.       Consumers who choose to go to physical grocery stores in person are preparing succinct and specific shopping lists ahead of time, and they are efficient about the time they spend in the store.  Just over half of consumers said they “feel stressed by shopping in stores” according to a Deloitte survey.  That explains why they are getting in and getting out so swiftly.

2.       With less time in actual stores, consumers are spending less time reading labels to learn about new food choices, often opting for their old familiar brands, according to a report this month from Marketplace.

We see the pair of these facts as both a both a quandary and an opportunity for marketing healthy food bands.

Clearly, your goal as a CPG marketing professional is to get your healthy brand on consumers’ shopping list before they leave the house. If you represent a new brand and consumers are sticking with their favorites, how do you educate them about your product? Alternatively, if you are an old-standby brand, how do you stay top of mind?

If you want to capture these mindful consumers, this is a great time to seize the opportunity and invest more in your brand marketing plans for 2021.  By emphasizing your brand’s nutritional value and contribution to consumers’ overall health and wellness, you will answer their top concerns—and show that you understand their shopping practices.  

You can help consumers make smart, healthy decisions before they go shopping, help alleviate their stress, and add to their total wellbeing.

That is a great way to meet your consumers where they are and build brand loyalty.


How are you sampling with curtailed opportunities?


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