How are you sampling with curtailed opportunities?

One of the fundamentals of food marketing is to give customers an opportunity to experience the brand—to taste, smell, and touch it—through sampling.   

With the opportunity for sampling at healthy food conferences, trade shows, and in-store demos curtailed, we are hearing from many companies that they are looking for effective ways to get their samples into the hands of consumers.

The good news is that there are alternative, innovative ways to move your products and give your consumers that brand experience while we wait to resume in-person opportunities.  If you scale these contactless tactics to match your goal and message, they can be integrated with traditional activities when the time is right.

  • Ask retail grocers and online delivery apps to add your samples to grocery orders to targeted shoppers                                                   

  • Offer to send a free sample to customers’ friends

  • Donate samples to front line workers

  • Convert your celebrity chefs’ demonstrations into virtual demos

These are great ways to initiate a consumers’ experience with your brand.  However, for healthy food brands, the path to purchase is different. 

Consumers need to learn about your brand’s health benefits, from someone they trust. And when they’re looking for health and nutrition advice, they trust their healthcare professionals more than any other source. 

Our research shows that 80% of health and wellness professionals who have experienced a product themselves recommend the brand by name. That’s why it is essential to reach health professionals with educational materials and samples of your healthy brands.

More specifically, by sharing samples in this kind of targeted educational program you enable a conversation between trusted provider and patient about how your brand can will help them reach a health goal, stick to a dietary regime, or prevent at-risk patients from crossing a dangerous line—thereby allowing them to envision using your product every day. 

To learn more about why sampling health professionals is essential to your marketing plan, contact us at


Meeting parents’ expectations


Influencing shoppers before they go shopping