Pulse Perspectives
Keep up with trends, analyses, and forecasts in the world of marketing healthy brands.
Why Aren’t We Talking About Nutrition?
Nutrition is an essential part of overall health and wellness, but according to a recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association just 12% of office visits include counseling about the patient’s diet. If proper nutrition is so important, why aren’t more health professionals talking about it?
Marketers of Healthy Brand-Name Products: Take Advantage of Your Advantage!
The 2017 IFIC Survey showed that consumers already trust brand-name products over their nutritionally equivalent generic counterparts. This perceived health halo is a huge advantage that marketers of healthy brands don't always take advantage of. You can build on this trust three ways.
Nothing is Complicated About Healthy Eating
Healthy eating is simple, but with the results of new studies being released every week, you'd think it was complicated. Why is this? Why do publications continue to report on new "findings" that aren't actually new and don't add value to the healthy-eating conversation? An article in The Atlantic explains.
Are Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Just as Healthy as Fresh?
When asked, 87% of health professionals indicated that they believe frozen fruits and vegetables to be nutritionally equivalent to fresh. Some even believe them to be more nutritious than fresh, as frozen fruits and vegetables are picked and frozen at peak ripeness. Surprised?
What Consumers Really Want When it Comes to Healthy Eating
According to the 2017 IFIC Food and Health Survey, a mere 14% of Americans followed a specific diet or eating pattern in the past year. With the exception of fad diets that are highly restrictive or based on questionable science, following a set eating pattern (like eating less sugar and more vegetables) is beneficial. Two things are necessary for consumers to do so: approachable guidelines and educational information from a health professional.
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